Creating an MT4 widget to display your public Picasa albums

Notice my nifty table of my public Picasa albums over there on the left sidebar. Pretty cool huh? So do I have to publish in Movable Type every time I add a new Picasa album? No, that would be silly. Instead, I'm using some clever DHTML javascript to build an N-column table and populate it dynamically with a JSON call out to the Picasa web API. Read on for instructions and code on how I built mine.
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Widgets and Templates and JSON, Oh My!

As you can see, the blog is back to a usable and pretty form. The new template engine in MT4 is very easy to use and the widgets and widget sets make customizations a snap. Notice the nifty Picasa gallery widget I built. It uses JSON to make an AJAX call to the Google API and then processes the results into a table which it renders in-line. I'll try to write up how to do it later.
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Blog Upgrade

**NOTICE:** This weekend I'm going to do an upgrade to my blog.  It may be unavailable intermittently. **UPDATE:** The upgrade to [MT4]( is done. Now I just need to re-prettify the templates. That should keep me off the streets for awhile... This weekend we are expecting snow, if you can believe it; so I'll be cuddling up with a warm cuppa and my favorite web tools.
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A Better Day

Yesterday evening, we finally got to see my attending physician and learn the results of my latest CT scan.  My pancreas no longer appears to be inflamed and my C Reactive Protein blood test is down to 1.6 this morning.  Additionally my white blood cell count is within normal ranges again.  So last night they removed the feeding tube and I got to eat my first real meal in weeks.  I'm feeling good and it appears my tests bear that out, so hopefully I will be going home soon.

Thanks to everyone for the e-cards, blog comments, letters and other support.  When things get rough in the hospital, it's wonderful to be reminded of those who care.  Thanks and blessings to all!

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A Visit From Lucky the Cat!

Today, my lovely wife Jakki, smuggled my cat onto the hospital campus.  It started with Mom goading me into a walk as soon as she could.  She shepherded me to the elevators and then slapped my knitted hat on my head.  I thought something was up at this point.  Down we went to the lobby, which is where we generally go when I want to get some outside time.  It was sprinkling a bit, so I thought it was odd that mom would want me to be outside-- professional worrier that she is.   As soon as we got outside, she started leading me a different direction than we normally go, and when I lookup up Jakki was standing at the other side of the roundabout, holding Lucky.  We ducked into the empty Drs. Building lobby and had some scratch time.  Lucky was very good and didn't even seem to need his harness.  I could tell he was missing me.  Mom snapped some pictures which I have added to the Photo Album (the link under our pictures on the homepage).

Finally mom and I went back up to the room and Jakki took Lucky home.  Apparently he pooped in the carrier on the way to the parking garage so she had to hurriedly duck into a bathroom and clean that up; hoping not to get caught in the process.  I'm glad my wife is willing to take a few risks for my happiness now and again.  It's one of the (many) reasons I love her.

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Back in the Stupid Hospital

Just to let everyone know who doesn't already, on 3/31 I was admitted to the hospital again with more pancreas troubles.  Right now I'm getting all my food through a tube (which sucks the big one), but I'm off antibiotics and my white count is down to 12,000, which is better.  They are doing another batch of CT scans on Monday to determine the course forward.  Aside from the discomfort of the feeding tube and the general hospital rough treatment, I feel pretty good.  Hopefully I will get home before I run out of paid leave!  Mom has taken several pictures which I put up in a gallery in the usual place.  More news as events warrant.
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Happy Leap Year!

It's been a long time since I've posted to the ol' blog.  Things have been busy!  We had the Arkansas Contingent out for the holidays.  We had tons of snow, and everyone had a good time.

At work, I have been transferred over to the Empath side of the shop, so we'll see what comes of that.  It's a lot more software and a lot less brochure-ware.  Of course, I still have my duties as an application security freak.  My friend Bayly would be proud.

I've recently become a devotee of Ruby On Rails, and I'm working on a project to provide subscription customer management services to independent music teachers.  It's an ambitious project but it keeps me down in the basement :)

Jakki has been super busy with the final two quarters of her school campaign.  We are both looking forward to her graduating in June.  She's finally getting to spend lots of time with patients.  Yesterday she administered three IV's flawlessly.  Including one on a patient who is scared of needles.  I'm very proud of her :P

The weather has been warming up lately, and the huge piles of snow are rapidly turning into dirty puddles of melt water.  We are itching for spring to arrive so we can start motorcycle riding, camping and generally going outdoors without wearing nine pounds of clothing.

In health news, Jakki and I have joined a gym and we are working on establishing a good routine.  She's done some classes; I mostly just stick to the elliptical machine and the weights.  Wish us luck!


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Home Improvement

Some new pics are up in the gallery from some recent home improvement projects we've completed.  There is a pic of the new tile floor we have in the bathroom.  We are very happy with the results.  It took a few extra days to get the toilet re-installed and caulked, the tile sealed with 20 year sealer and the door cut to fit, but we think the extra effort will be worth it in the long run.  Also pictured are some shots I took after playing lumberjack all day one Sunday.  I bought a chainsaw and limbed our big pine tree in the side yard after Jakki had gone to work.  Lucky for me, she was pleased with the results Wink  It was hard work!  The saw gets pretty heavy after a few hours, and taking a shower afterwards I discovered wood chips in all sorts of places I didn't expect.  Finally, there's a pic of my new motorcycle.  I've been riding it to work when the weather is nice to save on gas, and I have also taken a few good long rides with my friend Pat.  He has the exact same bike, just a year newer.  Pretty soon, riding season will come to an end and I will have to fit it in the garage with two cars.  Last weekend we moved a bunch of stuff downstairs into the previously unused storage area by the furnace, so I think we will have room.  That's pretty much the news for now.  We are looking forward to Turkey Day in Genesee.
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Portal Cake

If, at first, you don't succeed.  You fail.

From Valve's popular new game, Portal, the Cake Recipe:

One 18.25 ounce package chocolate cake mix.
One can prepared coconut pecan frosting.
Three slash four cup vegetable oil.
Four large eggs.
One cup semi-sweet chocolate chips.
Three slash four cups butter or margarine.
one and two third cups granulated sugar.
Two cups all purpose flower.

Don't forget garnishes such as:

Fish shaped crackers.
Fish shaped candies.
Fish shaped solid waste,
Fish shaped dirt.
Fish shaped ethyl benzene.
Pull and peel licorice..
Fish shaped organic compounds and sediment shaped sediment.
Candy coated peanut butter pieces, Shaped like fish.
One cup lemon juice.
Alpha resins.
Unsaturated polyester resin.
Fiberglass surface resins.
And volatile malted milk impoundments.
Nine large egg yolks.
Twelve medium geosynthetic membranes.
One cup granulated sugar.
An entry called 'how to kill someone with your bare hands'.
Two cups rhubarb, sliced.
Two slash three cups granulated rhubarb.
One tablespoon all-purpose rhubarb.
One teaspoon grated orange rhubarb.
Three tablespoons rhubarb, on fire.
One large rhubarb.
One cross borehole electro-magnetic imaging rhubarb.
Two tablespoons rhubarb juice.
Adjustable aluminum head positioner.
Slaughter electric needle injector.
cordless electric needle injector.
Injector needle driver.
Injector needle gun.
Cranial caps.
And it contains proven preservatives, deep penetration agents, and gas and odor control chemicals.
That will deodorize and preserve putrid tissue.

Enjoy your cake

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